ESCRS - IOL Match is a Surgeon’s Helping Hand ;

IOL Match is a Surgeon’s Helping Hand

A free app for iOS and Android to enhance the patient care journey.

IOL Match is a Surgeon’s Helping Hand

By Timothy Norris

A free-to-use, simple, and constantly updated application for iOS and Android could soon be available as a helping hand in selecting the best IOL based on a patient’s needs.

Created by Dr Gilles Lesieur and Mr Paul Dupeyre, IOL Match is a straightforward application that selects and compares the best options amongst several types of intraocular lenses based on patient parameters.

“It started with a defocus curve on an Excel sheet,” Dr Lesieur said. “We wanted to develop something to give our patients the best choice for the best results, so at the beginning of 2022, we decided to take a step forward from the spreadsheet phase and create an application out of it.”

“There is a jungle of different optics on the market, and this could make it difficult to choose the best lens for a patient,” Mr Dupeyre explained. “Our goal is straightforward: we want to identify the best-fit IOL for each patient’s ocular parameters and visual behaviours.”

According to the duo, automating the decision-making procedure through algorithms makes it possible to enhance the patient care journey.

“One of the main features of IOL Match is a decision-making protocol functioning as a comprehensive checklist, with a very precise lifestyle questionnaire and some crucial parameters that are generally overlooked,” Mr Dupeyre explained.

“The application will then provide some intelligent recommendations of the most suitable implants based on the data collected, comparing different defocus curves for different IOLs,” Dr Lesieur added.

Finished with beta development, IOL Match will undergo beta testing to gain enough feedback for an optimised definitive version.

“This application will benefit from collaborative development, with surgeons from France and around the world helping to improve the application,” Dr Lesieur said. “We are also developing a protocol for collecting user experience data.”

The official release does not mark the end of the updates. Mr Dupeyre explained each surgeon will have a dedicated user account, allowing them to personalise specific parameters based on their practices. “The data will then be anonymised and implemented, while the application will constantly improve to keep up with the most recent advancements.”

Set to release in Q1 2024, IOL Match will be completely free on Android and iOS platforms. Once released, Dr Lesieur observed it will only refine its abilities—as more data comes in, the more data will improve the program. This data “is crucial to keep the application updated.”

“We want to improve the quality of life of patients, so we want this app to be as widespread as possible,” Mr Dupeyre added.

“It is the twenty-first century: if you want to have an impact and contribute to the evolution of ophthalmology, you will need to go collaborative. Freely. This is my way of thinking and why I decided to provide the app for free,” Dr Lesieur concluded.

Dr Lesieur and Mr Dupeyre presented this information at the 2023 ESCRS Congress in Vienna.

Gilles Lesieur MD is Founder, Owner, Chairman, and Medical Director of the Centre Ophtalmologique IRIDIS.

Paul Dupeyre MSc is an optometrist at the Centre Ophtalmologique IRIDIS.

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